Public Apology to Tom Hanks and Wife Rita

31 Mar

Oprah and beau Stedman Graham


Continue reading


1 Mar

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Decision-making is governed by intellect, emotions, morals and common sense, as well as a few other determinants.

To revisit the subject of contemplation explored in (Dec. 2014) post: (Are We Too Busy to Think?) I piggybacked off 95.5/WPLJ host Bill Ayres’s recent Sunday night call-in radio show, which featured the topic of decisions.

A caller discussed listening to the inner voice in our heads that we don’t always heed. Not when it cautions us to grab our umbrellas when we’re convinced it won’t rain before we returm.

No, Ayres wanted to focus on the really important, big decisions in life. We know right from wrong but when it comes to basic decisions, when there’s two ways to go about something that could cause us to face a consequential dilemma no matter which one we decide upon — those require solid decisiveness.

Sometimes we don’t know how to make decisions, what to weigh or how much weight to give each pro or con. Such situations steer some people to therapy.

There is a reason why youth is wasted on the young. Decisions can be black , white or gray for them. The middle or gray area is where it can get tricky, though, even if contemplated. People do make rash decisions without looking at all the angles, akin to leaping into a pool before checking to see if there’s water in it.

They can make those unwise critical decisions while they’re still able to rebound, whereas someone older might not have the same opportunity or resiliency. The younger you are the freer you are to make these and the better chance you have to “fix” them.

The problems bad decisions create can be repaired more expeditiously and likely more fully. Many times that’s not an option for a more mature adult, who has to make much wiser decisions and not expect to be able to easily correct unwise ones. That’s why wisdom isn’t wasted on older adults.

A single female neighbor “of a certain age,” as Wendy Williams often refers, moved cross-country to be with a guy, who unbeknowst to her had another woman. A Big foolish decision, though fixable, and a major setback. She’d sold her home and put her furniture in storage.

You may be too close to a situation to truly see it clearly a lot of the time. We’ve all no doubt, been guilty of that. For example, I reminded a cousin of the obvious when she told me her sister had informed her that her fiancé was cheating.

Not one to ever give advice I wouldn’t follow myself, I just recounted a scenario wherein the same sibling’s mate had purportedly strayed and she didn’t leave. Yet, she was adamant that she should.

Why hadn’t her sister done what she was urging her to do? The final decision was hers, not mine or her sister’s. Life’s decisions are the most difficult, and  good or bad, often have repercussions. We might not understand them when they arise, since they may potentially be far-reaching, affecting the present and the future.

The best measures of well-made decisions, I think are those you:

1)                  don’t regret

2)                  wouldn’t go back and change if you could

3)                  don’t suffer any negative lingering affects from and

4)                  believe you made the best decision at the time

They’re still never 100%. We second-guess ourselves and our decisions. It makes us human. You learn from decisions that might not have turned out as you would’ve hoped, and hopefully, make better decisions going forward.


Lies Your Father Taught You

30 Jan

 Yes, your father lied to you.

As the first man you ever loved, each time he held you and told you that you were perfect he was guilty of lying: a crime that most fathers unwittingly commit.

Whenever a father tells his little girl that he loves her and that she’s perfect just the way she is, he’s teaching her the biggest lie.

You’re taught unconditional love by your father. He loves you as you are from the moment you are born.

Then we grow up to believe that the man of our dreams will love us the same way our fathers did — unconditionally.

Yet another lie learned, because as adults we know that love is conditional.

Our fathers taught us we were special: that we deserve to be treated special and that we’ll always be special in their eyes.

Not necessarily in the eyes of the men in our lives, however, as our “specialness” may wan over time if we don’t continue to live up to those conditions.

A father always puts your happiness and wellbeing above his own. So, we believe our mates will do the same.

They don’t always.

Your father’s love lasts a lifetime. U. S. divorce rates show that a husband’s may not.

Fathers praise their female offspring’s accomplishments.

If a spouse or significant other harbors insecurities, they may not.

Fathers will oftentimes put their girls on pedestals, regardless of their flaws.

Yet, the men in your life could find your flaws difficult to overlook.

Your father will tell you that you’re beautiful.

A perpetual lie that’s often told to adolescent girls in the tween stages.

We all have long since learned the truth that stares back at us in (full-length) mirrors.

Nevertheless, these are some of the lies taught to daughters by their fathers.

We were taught these lies unknowingly. Our fathers never meant to teach them to us.

Yet, we learned them anyway.


Are We Too Busy to Think?

19 Dec

thCATPJ78O@Recovery_Tools Absolutely! Sage advice. Always value & use yr own judgement, be guided by @CommonSense & yr moral compass.
– (@Theauntsavant) December 11, 2013

Contemplation is Lost in Contemporary Thinking!

To think things through requires time we no longer afford ourselves in a time-crunched, speed-obsessed culture.

And as result, the practice of contemplating has gotten lost as a mode of modern thinking because we don’t utilize it enough in our everyday thought processes.

I’ve become a critical thinker (out of necessity) and learned to put my analytical mind to use when I want to get at what’s beneath the surface of what others think. To the annoyance of some, it can at times make for awkward moments.

I’m sort of a mental code cracker in a sense, not of the enigmatic tangible types in newspapers, so much. But in getting at the gist of how (and when) opinions, belief systems and thought patterns are generally formed.

It could be the underlying reason I chose to major in journalism. That, as well as winning an essay contest in the fifth grade for a short commentary I titled: “Death and Dying: And Fear of the Unknown.” Go figure? I was 10!

Nonetheless, the brain has long fascinated me, as you can see. Writer/creator Rod Serling could probably be credited with having a hand in shaping my adult inquisitiveness, as I watched the Twilight Zone religiously when I was a kid. Not in its original form, mind you, but in reruns that at the time were shown late nights weekdays on channel 11.

Ahhh…I remember it well. I’d be up long after everyone else had gone off to bed, lying on the living room sofa, riveted to the television screen, and engrossed by whatever psychological wonder Rod had conjured up. I enjoyed them all, and still do. He was pure genius incarnate, and certainly ahead of his time.

As he did, one has to go beyond the obvious to contemplate, in order to see what isn’t so obvious. Often we already have the answers we seek within our own minds that need only to be drawn out.


Introspective reflection and contemplation helps us to know ourselves better.

Reply: Marriage is for Blogger of Viral Post “Marriage Isn’t for You”

24 Nov

You all might’ve heard about the blog post read ‘round the world, but here’s the auntsavant’s last word on the blogger’s misleading message espoused in “Marriage Isn’t for You.”

Although, the married Mr. Smith’s intentions were good when he wrote the now viral blog post: “Marriage Isn’t For You,” Seth Adam Smith’s altruistic view on marriage wasn’t received positively by all readers.

Yahoo Shine summed up the general consensus of the massive responses the controversial essay invoked on Twitter, chiming in with an article titled, “Why Man’s Marriage Isn’t For You’ Essay Misses the Mark.”

And it does, almost entirely. Smith said his hope was of “helping someone going through a similar experience to turn around their relationship,” which he voiced on It apparently not only didn’t convey what he had hoped, but was also met with strong skepticism.

Citing a recent research study, Washington, D.C.-based licensed clinical psychologist, Andrea Bonior, PhD., told Yahoo “science substantiates that marriage is not just about one person’s needs.”

Though well meaning, this paternal advice could be better shelved under “old-school romance,” as Cosmopolitan noted in a similar reply to Smith’s spiel on marital edification.

READ: Why Winfrey Says She and Longtime Mate Stedman Graham Have Not Married

Oprah Winfrey acknowledged publicly that the main reason she and longtime mate Stedman Graham haven’t wed is because of “the very idea of what it means to be a wife and the responsibility and the sacrifice that it carries.”

Not willing to enter into a traditional marriage in order to try to please someone else or conform to societal cultural mores — she scrapped her wedding plans in 1992. An argument can be made for attributing the high percentage rates of infidelity and divorce in the U.S., to this type of matrimonial philosophy that advocates one spouse unselfishly put [his] spouses’ happiness above [his] own.

Why can’t both individuals strive to be happy without one person having to sacrifice their happiness for the other?

If two people are equally committed to their union, there wouldn’t be any need to settle for a 60-40 or 70-30,  or God forbid an 80-20 proposition. It would preferably be 50-50, and a win-win for both parties.


Lighten Up! It’s Not that Serious

2 Oct

Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors
by Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint

To reference Bill Cosby’s 2007 book, “Come on, People.”

To which I’ll add: Listen Up! People. Stop taking everything so seriously. Really.

Think about it? Many of the things that upset or stress us on any given day are probably not as serious as they seem.

We shouldn’t “sweat the small stuff,” as a matter of conscientious practice. A lot of people are either looking for a fight, argument or altercation, or expect one,  a majority of the time. Here’s a for instance:

As I was standing (in one of the multiple lines) in a local McDonald’s early one evening to get a cup of coffee, the woman in front of me stood to one side and motioned me to go ahead of her. She’d already ordered. But as I was about to step up to the counter, a man, whom I guess was with his wife, moved to the register before I got to it. I just glanced at the lady waiting for her food with a slight frown, and shrugged. “Oh well.”

The man then paused suddenly, slid back over to where he had been, threw up his hands and laughingly said, “I don’t want no trouble.” Naturally,  I took grave offense to that remark, especially since it was unprovoked—and unwarranted. Maybe the comment was in reaction to me wearing my sunglasses indoors? I don’t know. If so, that’s my choice. Did I appear menacing in my camouflage jacket? I thought it showed patriotism. It wasn’t as if I had on a biker jacket emblazoned with a skull & crossbones, a bandanna and a “badass” attitude to match. And I wasn’t a random black male with a “hoodie” on. No, that couldn’t have been it. The man was African-American. But that’s a whole other issue.

The point is I felt this stranger was attempting to assail my character. I felt compelled to respond. So I turned to him, lowered my shades nose height, and simply replied, “There’s no trouble,” and added that I hadn’t said a word to him. “It’s not that serious,” I repeated, as I ordered my medium coffee with cream, two Splendas and two sugars to go.

The take-away here, I believe, is that we should all make a concerted effort to:

1)      withhold silly presumptions about people we don’t know

2)      try to give people the benefit of the doubt

3)      not always expect the worst-case scenario and above all

4)      Come on people. Lighten up! For God’s sake.

Life is too short to go through it angry.

Besides, bear in mind that it takes more facial muscles to form a scowl than a smile. Yeah.

Younger people will appreciate this when the lines, wrinkles, etc., start to appear.


My Fashion Day: An Outsider’s Partial View “Inside” Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week!

16 Sep Badgley Mischka Spring 2014

Mercedes-Benz Fashioin Week

DKNY – Fall 2013

To say I got a view inside might be…a bit misleading. What I actually got was a partial peek into its exclusive enclave on day four of the mega eight-day (Sept. 5-12, 2013),  bi-annual Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week!  In addition to the trek further uptown, the fashion show of shows has amazingly transformed its relatively new digs at the world-renowned Lincoln Center cultural arts venue. Tents had to be pitched to house the runway shows in the more humble, smaller scaled Bryant Park locale that formerly served as its longtime home in Midtown Manhattan.

My way “in” to the swanky set-up for the fashion forward crowd viewing the Spring 2014 collections of top designers, was by sheer luck. A well-connected associate/friend simply asked “would you like to go in? I have a pass.” To which I anxiously replied to his question with the question: “Can I?” And just like that I was inside Fashion Week for a day! Well, for a couple of hours, anyway, I was among the well attired in their fashionable best on a sunny, Sunday afternoon.

Although I wasn’t fully prepared to mix ‘n’ mingle with “the beautiful people,” the slender statuesque females and meticulously tailored male attendees, whom I of course, naively mistook for models. What else? But I was dully informed by wardrobe stylist Pia Malastesta, whom I briefly chatted up—that many or most of those in attendance—were either fashion editors, bloggers, buyers, photographers, fellow stylists or in some way connected to the business side of the industry. So, after slowly surveying the surroundings, I partook of the unlimited complimentary branded “Little Pink Dress” cocktails being served up in wide rimmed, pink glasses; tried the Lifeway frozen natural fruit popsicles conveniently available for the taking in a glass slide top freezer, and the endless supply of Smart water in bins strategically placed throughout the room. My friend joined the group over at the Samsung Galaxy booth to get his mobile phone cover customized. Yes, for free!

Although it might not sound too glamorous being on the sidelines outside, since it’s not exactly the front lines—as in getting past the gatekeepers to the viewing rooms where you could see the real action going on: the designers showing their lines. But it was good enough, especially when the only way in is to be somebody, know somebody or to be invited by somebody. I guess my friend fit the latter two; he got in! The closest the rest of “us” ever get to upscale “fashion” are those televised celebrity red carpet arrivals to A-list Hollywood events, where the question posed is always: “Who are you wearing?” Not what’re you wearing?

Nevertheless, I, along with others like me swarming about the lobby and exhibition areas just happy to be at the popular fashion event, made the most of it. I watched several of the shows being aired on flat panel screens mounted around the elaborately decorated space and worked the room as best I could on an impromptu invitation. There were others there too, unlike myself, who wanted to be seen and maybe photographed. And a lot of them were.

The line out front resembled the ones outside exclusive nightclubs where only suitably dressed patrons are handpicked and allowed beyond the velvet rope, and the rest are left behind. There were a few who noticeably didn’t quite make the cut. I even saw a woman wearing a pair of the same casual low-heeled boots I have, and thought “I would’ve never worn those to Fashion Week.” I don’t know if Pia would agree, however she does believe it’s all about the shoes! You can judge for yourselves. Check out her coverage at:

Oh, there was a missed Paris Hilton sighting on my part; I didn’t see her traipsing by because I was over at the cocktail bar. And then there was a near Kanye West sighting, which it turned out was only a Kanye look-a-like. I did get an upclose view of Rachel Zoe outside, though, giving regular folks the thrill of being photographed with a real reality fashion star.

Empathy is Necessary to Understand Death of MJ

13 Sep
Jackson in good spirits

Jackson in good spirits

September is National Recovery Month!

And in light of Michael Jackson’s birthday observance, I thought this blog post would be both timely and appropriate.

Many times or more often than not, people take the plight of others for granted. There’s an old adage that’s probably been around since the frontier days when Indians still owned the territories on which their reservations stood—a long time before any of us were alive. But I digress.

The saying goes something to the affect: You can’t know a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. Well, no expression could be truer in this case. If we stop judging or even trying to sympathize with others, maybe then we’d give ourselves a chance to really understand that it’s the ability to empathize with another person that ultimately helps you (and I) to better understand him (or her).

Jackson may be viewed unsympathetically as one more famous troubled “addict”—or with sympathy as an overly driven creative genius who simply went too far. And either depiction would be accurate, as each aptly described the Late “King of Pop.” Jackson was driven to a fault and, I believe deeply burdened. He wrote a little known song much less popular than his chart-topping hits, titled “My Childhood,” about a boy who never had a childhood, which in retrospect seems very introspective. One thing’s for certain, he worked hard at perfecting his musical gift from a youngster through harsh discipline and little boyhood playtime. This all played a role in MJ becoming the tragic figure we saw in his troubled adulthood.

What I’m getting at is the question of what brought him to the point of dying senselessly at the hands of a negligent, so-called “celebrity doctor” hanger-on—one Conrad Murray? This is the real issue that no one’s bothered to look at. Why did Jackson go to such lengths to find a “concierge” physician to be bankrolled into keeping him on a steady stream of a dangerously potent anesthetic that by all accounts should not have been administered outside of a hospital setting?

Murray setup a makeshift hospital room in the pop icon’s temporary residence, complete with an IV hookup and oxygen tanks to keep him “doped up.” He knew what he was doing would be ill-advised by fellow peers in the medical community. A responsible “ethical” doctor would have gotten Jackson what he desperately needed most: the aid of a sleep disorder specialist and a drug counselor.

People in general were ill informed and rushed to judgment in simply labeling Jackson a drug addict, when they should’ve been looking with empathy beyond labels to the underlying cause of his dependence on Propofol as a method of sleep inducement. We have only Murray’s summation of events leading up to his discovery that Jackson had died, the nearly inaudible voice recording he presented in court of the superstar entertainer slurring his speech, along with the toxicology report. According to Murray, Jackson begged him for the powerful drug in order to sleep.

There’s a distinct difference between someone being fed a legal substance by a working, board-certified medical professional (at the time), who obtained a pre-surgery hospital drug under false means, and an individual who cops illegal narcotics to get high. Although Jackson was put into a coma rather than a euphoric high derived from consuming drugs, nonetheless, it was still a drug-induced state he was put in. “Addict” conjures up negative connotations rather than an empathetic image of someone that may be a substance abuser like Jackson and many others, who are dependent on prescription and/or over-the-counter drugs.

The bottom line is that a man should not have to die trying to get to sleep—a slumber from which Jackson, sadly, never awoke. That’s the true tragedy of it all. It’s difficult to expect others to comprehend, though. It took some contemplation. Then it dawned on me after a chat with a neighbor about Jackson on the occasion of what would have been the star’s 55th birthday (Aug. 29), which was being commemorated in New York City. Following the conversation I thought it was more enlightening than I’d initially realized; I hadn’t walked in Jackson’s shoes. I had suffered with insomnia but had never been dependent on drugs, pills or medication of any kind. So, could I empathize? Yes, because you have to use empathy to understand how substance abusers become “addicted.”

Before then, in my infinite wisdom based on everyday common sense, I merely surmised that a global entertainer who worked as tirelessly as Jackson did night after night in preparation for his highly anticipated concert dates (captured in the docu-film “This is It”), surely should have fallen out from pure exhaustion. Yet, it was not that easy for Jackson, even though it might seem like a reasonable conclusion to most of us, including myself.

This friend noted squarely “not if you’ve been taking something for so long that you need stronger and stronger [dosages] in order for it to produce the same effect as it did before.” Another revelation. That’s right! I thought. Otherwise you would expect any normal human being to have not just fallen asleep, but to literally crash after such long hours of grueling, physically taxing rehearsals. However, Jackson was considered “the greatest performer of our time.” The footage showed that he was hands-on, involved, a perfectionist and taskmaster, indeed a creative genius of extreme proportions on the cusp of an imminent comeback. To be able to pull that off he would have to get some sleep.

Murray needed only to show his business card and of course keep a constant supply of Propofol on tap to pull off his newly acquired role as Jackson’s personal doctor to serve as a babe magnet and up his cachet with the various ladies he began courting. He was due to receive a monthly retainer of $150,000, stipulated to be paid to him whether or not Jackson’s shows went on. He had a built-in insurance policy. What did he have to lose? He would get his money regardless. Jackson was at the mercy of Murray, as he detailed MJ’s dependence on anesthesia that he dispensed in large quantities to provide his patient with his nightly/daily” fix”.



Now Jackson is no longer among the living and the doc for-hire is reportedly being released early for good behavior. How is that just?

Share some of your thoughts on recovery. Post a comment below.

Why Slowing Down is Not an Option

30 May

Forget Fast Food, Speed Dating, Speed Dialing, Power Walking, Express Lanes, Express Checkout, Same-Day Service, Priority Overnight & Next-Day Air… Whew!

Thought the world had sped up enough already? Add Rapid Mode Texting in place of Instant Messaging or IM (now considered old school), along with Tweeting and Insta-gramming on the Internet, and Yikes! There is no doubt we are living in an increasingly rapid-paced society where most everyone’s in a mad rush to communicate with other people or dashing off to get somewhere really fast. Just watch New York City cabbies in action and bicyclists, and even skateboarders zooming past narrowly avoiding traffic near-misses as harried pedestrians in haste try to quickly beat the light and cross the street!

There are no shortages of deadlines to meet or appointments to keep. And we want it done right away, on time, ASAP! Yes, as in needed it yesterday. There’s an established level of immediacy that we all must adhere to sooner than later. We each have to master the accruements of time management in order to become proficient multi-taskers in our lives (professional and personal), or we risk condemning ourselves to habitual tardiness. Think about it, it’s a never-ending process: expedite, prioritize, digitize, capsulize, over-ride…etc., etc., the list goes on…

The goal of it is meant to make us more expedient, and thus more efficient—in the timeliest manner possible, right? That’s the goal, anyway. So, everybody brace yourselves to be continually inundated, over-scheduled, over-worked, over-taxed, over-stressed, over-pressured, over-booked, over-wrought and over-tired, and any others I’ve left out, because the obvious result is: There’s only 24 hours in a day! You can’t possibly get everything done and get enough sleep, too.

All this in order to get wherever you need to be, whatever it is you need done? And oh yeah, can you step on it, please!

Well, don’t forget, there’s always the Power Nap!

Acknowledgement is Encouragement

6 Mar

I recently had sort of an impromptu power meeting on a weekday morning — kind of a meeting of the minds you could say, between myself, a fellow running team mate, who I’d just finished a run with and a neighbor doing her wash. It evolved in response to a simple inquiry about the running program we’re in over tea and coffee, as well as a moist almond-clustered, date breakfast pastry supplied by my health-conscious friend and team member, and my half eaten donut. Well, it was leftover from a much earlier—5:30 am start—monthly group meeting.

This post-gathering, as it were, convened outside the laundry room on the mezzanine level of our building and couldn’t have gone better if we had planned it! The three of us all having exhibited artwork in in-house art shows, had a rousing exchange of insightful suggestions, which in itself is a great source of inspiration among women, especially. The sheer act of sharing and utilizing our energy collectively to offer information to one another also made for productive use of our social connection and time there. So, armed with food for thought (literally), we left with a few avenues to follow-up.

Many times, un-planned situations can allow for interesting input, when there’s no pre-set agenda other than simply picking each other’s brains so to speak and spurring creative engagement. Opening this door on the spot doesn’t necessarily prompt exploration into similar areas of one another’s potential aspirations, which under usual circumstances might never be touched on. But it may in these situations.

However, in the course of our lengthy conversation, we did find some correlations and clarified other things we expounded upon. Acknowledging someone else’s individual strengths does strengthen your own resolve.

Respect and mutual admiration is particularly affirming when expressed in personal constructive, purposeful ways and encourages us to see in ourselves, the positive traits and inherent talent the conveyor sees in us.

Sherry Howard

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